Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2012, Summer time in Canterbury

people come and go in life. in this 1 year, i have met so many people from different parts of the world, and different parts of Malaysia. some as far halfway round the globe, while some as near as 20 minutes drive away from my home. and i get to meet them in UK.

the time i spent here isn't that long. the time i spent outside, less. the time i spent with someone dear, least. but those are the moments i cherished the most.

my housemate in hales place will be leaving to Malaysia tomorrow. we cooked for each other for the past 2 weeks. this will be one moment in my life that isn't extraordinary, but will always be remembered. in the future, things i learnt in the kitchen last fortnight is going to be one valuable memory! =p

and again, people come and go. the go part, is the sad part. i hope to get this phrase tattooed somewhere on my body, to remind me to always appreciate the ones who left my life with a footprint that will never be washed away. this love thing IS one hell of a word.

blogs come and go.
some blogs died long ago.
some were just abandoned.
i just plan to keep my blog as far as my life can go.
and if i die, this blog dies with me =) thats the cycle of life.

this blog may just be an anonymous blog, by a novice blogger.
but this is the life and some puzzle pieces of me. and if every life is created equal
what matters most is how much that person appreciates life.

me at stery's graduation

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

HELLO to 2012 (5 Months late)

wah my last post was 5 months ago. everytime when i'm outside, i always have something in my mind that i'd want to write in my blog. but everything goes blank once i reach my room.

a lot happened since :) i went to London for Christmas and celebrated New Year's Eve in Kent. Then Chinese New Year passed, and the Valentines Day (Forever Alone Day).. Now its Easter Break already. And my 1st paper will be in 1 week. Time flies eh. If you've known me well, you'd realize that I didn't change a bit. I am my old self, only been to more places and seen more stuff. Other than that, I'm the same old me. I am still loving what I used to love.

As for studies, not so well. I discovered my true interest is finance, but also had to face my real weakness, the quantitative side of finance. Probability and Statistics, Stochastic, Random Variables.. like wtf, I wasn't MADE to handle so much maths.

Erm, anyway, pictures will be posted according to timeline. yeah, timeline, the new and improved feature in FACEBOOK..
 My first visit to Emirates Stadium. it was Arsenal 1 - 1 Wolves
 It snows in Kent !

MNight Performance by Kent Uni

 A trip to Whitstable
Me & Farah outside the flat
 Bersih 3.0 in London. What a satisfying day !