Sunday, January 25, 2009

my days in NS ; 2009 CNY Year of the Ox

aiya, here i am, back for CNY... just for a week... National Service is such a waste of time wei... for me, its like going "yum cha" with some new friends only you see them everyday... spent my time there doing nothing useful but chatting with my new friends... i hope it ends soon...

also, since i was there, they cut my hair twice.. cut is the wrong word, CROP sounds more like it.. and they just got to do it right before chinese new year... shit....

and i'm sick.... since yesterday.. even fell sick in NS... look at what the MALE nurse gave me...

-paracetamol aka panadol..
-lozenges for sore throat
-metenamic acid
-bena expectorat for chesty cough

half of them i dont know what medicine it is...

how am i gonna enjoy CNY and all its food....

there, my dorm, DORM F

ME, with my new hairstyle..