Wednesday, July 30, 2008

whats going on in Malaysia..

famous new words.... (in malaysia)

"Anwarized" - meaning: To get back-stabbed.. i.e. People who have been anwarized may contact the DPM's hotline

"Badawized" - meaning: To be stupified ...........i.e. Malaysians seem to be badawized by the media which reports biased news

"Najibbed" - meaning: To be blown to bits .....i.e. In this country,you better be careful with what you say, you can be najibbed otherwise

"Petrad" (Raja Petra) - meaning: To be exposed ...........i.e. Lately the BN coalition has been petrad in many ways

"KayJayed" (Khairy J) - meaning: To shout for no reason i.e. He kayjayed in the Dewan and appeared like a moron

"Balaed" (Bala Subramaniam) - meaning: To vanish suddenly i.e. The opposition balaed from the meeting in protest

"Lingamed" (duh..) - meaning: To repeat redundantly i.e. The Information Minister lingamed the same rubbish in the debate recently.

"Soileked" (double duh..) - meaning: To be caught on tape i.e. People have stopped using budget hotels as they are afraid of being soileked.

here is a little on whats happening in Malaysia... :

Altantuya was cold bloodedly najibbed after she attempted to petra Najib for anwarising her and not making the promised payments.

Razak was badawized into covering up for Najib while Najib balaed from the scene. Razak was actually anwarized.

However Najib lingamed that he had nothing to do with it and has been kayjaying on the topic in an attempt to prove his innocence.

Nevertheless, some quarters have been threatening that they have soileked evidence that Najib was involved.

"To Love Malaysia, is to know Malaysia"

Monday, July 28, 2008

chelsea's in malaysia !

so happen i caught this funny conversation on Hitz.FM while i was driving...

Caller : Mr.DJ, i bet you know that chelsea is in Malaysia right?
Mr. DJ : Yeah, of course and they're playing against the Malaysia team tomorrow !
Caller : so Mr.DJ, can i ask you something? What do you think the score will be?
Mr.DJ : What ?
Caller : When Chelsea played in China, they beat a team by 7-0 right? So what do you think the result will be like, when they play against Malaysia?
Mr.DJ : you know what, since Chelsea won 7-0, i'll say that Malaysia to beat Chelsea 7-0 tomorrow..
Caller : Ar ?? You sure ah, why you say Malaysia will beat Chelsea leh?
Mr.DJ : yes. Malaysia boleh ma..
Caller : No lah, i dont think so... Malaysia people so polite, where got simply beat people one..

Friday, July 25, 2008

me, eating raw egg :)

i'm back from langkawi !!!! pictures will be up soon in my next post .. sorry for the 'dry season'

Thursday, July 10, 2008

fruss frustz frust.....

frustrated giler wei.. as you all know, my exam's next week.. and it is turning people into zombies.. i'm one of them lah... okay, for me, zombies are humans that are extremely frustrated with whatever is going on, and it just builds up... and then they just rip off guts from anyone they see (or those who scream, like they think screaming repel zombies)

anyway, what makes me frustrated with life and turns me into "zombie mode" lately..

1. drivers who overtake me, and then slows down when they're in front of me...
2. shop owner's attitude towards me like they dont need customers like me... (aka lan ciau face)
3. idiots who show their muka 10 sen when i say "hello" or a few minutes late ..
4. those who think they're sooo smart and teach me "wrong from right"...

5. and lastly , the current ruling party, and their mps... and their leader (yes, our prime minister indeed..).. it is just so frustrating when i see him being interviewed by the press.. i have to stop doing watever i am doing, and give 100% concentration on whatever he has to say (yes, you have to hear, and lip-read at the same time)... and he speaks as though he's speaking his last words... (damn, he just gotta make me stand there and watch him speak word by word...) steam breaker

and yeah... thats pretty much all the people i've met that just turns me into zombie mode.. and thinking about them makes me wanna stick a bunch of clothes-hanger up their assh*le..

okay, de stressed.. back to the study table.. ta~
yeah.. a bunch of these


that ^^

not so productive days...

i dont know its just me or what.. exam's next week, and i think i'm at the least productive .. also, i notice that not only guys, but males in the animal kingdom are the lazier ones.. i find it hard to accept tho.... :P

been lazing around... :P no lah, not really, but day dreaming and doing less important stuff when i'm supposed to be studying... sigh. just not in the mood

i went to bed at 1am yesterday.. was dozing off to dreamland when i heard a sound at the window.. i turned to look, i saw something black, it climbed and sat there, looking outside... thank god it didnt look at me... !!! i can only see its back side.. that thing got hands...

the mosquito netting was the only thing between me and that thing !! that thing was black in color, not sure got tail or not, but judging by the way it sat, it cannot be a cat... the back was much broader, i thought maybe its a monkey... but a monkey ???? maybe its something else, something not from the earth... aiya, who cares, i was so sleepy that i dozed off.. zzz.. hahaha..

ps: i'm not lying lah......

Thursday, July 3, 2008

just for laughs...

well, i have no idea on what to update... exam's near... anyway, enjoy this.. lol

There was a guy sunbathing in the nude on the beach. He saw a little girl coming toward him, so he covered himself with the newspaper he was reading.

The girl came up to him and asked, "What do you have under the newspaper?
"Thinking quickly, the guy replied, "A bird." The girl walked away, and the guy fell asleep.

When he woke up, he was in the hospital in tremendous pain. The police asked him what happened. The guy says, " I don't know. I was lying on the beach, this little girl asked me a question. I guess I dozed off and the next thing I know, here I am in the hospital in this unbelievable pain."

The police went to the beach, found the little girl, and asked her, "Just what did you do to that naked fellow?" after a pause, the girl replied, "To him? Nothing. I was playing with his bird and it spit on me. So, I broke its neck, busted its eggs, and set its nest on fire!"

Moral of the story: Never, ever lie to a female.....OF ANY AGE!!