"Anwarized" - meaning: To get back-stabbed.. i.e. People who have been anwarized may contact the DPM's hotline
"Badawized" - meaning: To be stupified ...........i.e. Malaysians seem to be badawized by the media which reports biased news
"Najibbed" - meaning: To be blown to bits .....i.e. In this country,you better be careful with what you say, you can be najibbed otherwise
"Petrad" (Raja Petra) - meaning: To be exposed ...........i.e. Lately the BN coalition has been petrad in many ways
"KayJayed" (Khairy J) - meaning: To shout for no reason i.e. He kayjayed in the Dewan and appeared like a moron
"Balaed" (Bala Subramaniam) - meaning: To vanish suddenly i.e. The opposition balaed from the meeting in protest
"Lingamed" (duh..) - meaning: To repeat redundantly i.e. The Information Minister lingamed the same rubbish in the debate recently.
"Soileked" (double duh..) - meaning: To be caught on tape i.e. People have stopped using budget hotels as they are afraid of being soileked.
here is a little on whats happening in Malaysia... :